
Welcome to Risen Savior Lutheran Church

Risen Savior is a church focused on changing lives. In touch with our community and gathered at the cross, we are growing as God’s people. Through our experience of God’s love and our commitment to support one another, we authentically model the life of family gathered by God’s Spirit in the name of Jesus.

Christ is present among us and honored in our worship as we proclaim to everyone that Christ is the risen Savior. We are convinced that proclamation of Christ is what changes lives. For this reason we summarize our mission by saying we are “Changing Lives by Proclaiming Our Risen Savior!”

Risen Savior Lutheran Church is a member church of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, a Christian church body upholding the historic creeds and confessions of our faith. As Christians, we are committed to confessing Christ before the world and carrying out the great commission he gave us. As Lutheran Christians, we benefit from Martin Luther’s campaign to reform the Church.  As Luther was convinced God’s salvation comes to us by grace, through faith, based on the authoritative teachings of holy Scripture, we resolutely stand on those same truths.